Changes at the Panida

Hi Panida Patrons,

It is with a heavy heart I write to you that I have resigned as the Panida Managing Director. It was a very hard decision because I enjoyed this job and getting to know our community, amazing volunteers, board members and staff but due to where I am at in life this is the best decision for my family and myself. I have a baby due in November and a two year old at home and my heart is pulling me home during this time. This isn't goodbye, I will volunteer my time and energy with the Panida, it's just goodbye in this capacity. I truly want to thank each of you for showing the Panida love. If you see me around town please say hi!

Our amazing facilities coordinator Josh Meagher has been presented with an amazing professional opportunity to be the booking manager with Spokane Public Facilities District which will further advance his professional career. Please join me in congratulating him. He will be missed but we are beyond excited for him!

With him and I leaving the Panida has two new faces, Katelyn Shook will be the Panida's new Event Coordinator starting in September and Mindy Thacker will be the Panida's new Century Fund Grant and Fundraising Coordinator starting in August! Please join me in a warm Panida welcome. I am excited to see what these two individuals bring to life here at the Panida!

If you know of anyone who would like to be the Panida MD please email the Panida.

I look forward to seeing you around town and sending you all my best!


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